Stratos, the new non-stitched multiaxial NCF fabric
During JEC World 2024, the new non-stitched multiaxial NCF Stratos has been introduced by the Angeloni Group and Selcom booth.
Stratos is a milestone in composite materials market. Traditionally, indeed, NCFs are made of several layers of fibres, arranged at different angles and then stitched together. Instead Stratos layers are held by a special adhesive that grants the same stability of stitching but overtaking the limits of this process. The mechanical properties of the fabric are not altered by the stitching process, the fibres maintain perfect alignment, impregnation is uniform and resin flow is improved. The ‘print through’ effect is also eliminated, making Stratos a strategic choice for the production of painted components for the automotive, marine and sporting goods sectors.
Stratos can be produced using carbon fibres, glass fibres, aramid fibres and natural fibres, and is suitable for RTM processing, infusion processes and prepreg production. It can be produced in weights from 100 ai 400 g/m2.